Saturday, September 6, 2008

Rees Family Reunion 2008

Thanks Mo, Chuck, and Scott for setting up! Ila Maevonne and son arrive Jack Poulson and Craig arrive, but stay in cars to finish listening to BYU win the game!Cousins together again! Melodie's son Louie chats with Sharla. Ila Maevonne's daughter Kendra looks on. Ila Maevonne and Angelle (holding Ila Maevonne's daughter Misty's son Caleb) Judy and cousin-in-law Dr. Louie. Kendall was home due to having knee surgery this morning.
Louie and son Calvin talk with the aunts. Shaun Barrowes The cousin clan.
Grandma Jan had to show off her pink convertible! Kendra and Shirley The infamous bounce house Laurelle and Sterling's daughter Celeste Lanny and Nelda
Angelle and Judy Barrowes Mo and Lynette Moench Perkes, Lanny and Jack Poulson Dr.Scott and Dr. Brian Moench tell it like it is... The party is over....thanks everyone for all your help and support. Grandma Jan loved it!